Important information
In case you want to pick up the ordered goods yourself, I would appreciate telephone contact at least three days in advance, in addition to your initial e-mail correspondence.
Because of time availability, orders placed through the internet shop will have priority over orders placed as e-mail inquiries.

Renovation of engines
We do overhauls of clients´ engines only and cannot offer rebuilding by way of exchange. The main reason for this arrangement is simple: it is not possible to completely assess the condition of all components before dismantling the engine, when we often find serious problems, for example: cracks in the engine block, different block numbers, stripped threads in the block, various non-original boring or other severe damage. Engines with such disorders are not suitable for renovation and so they would stay in the workshop as scrap pieces in very bad condition or even beyond repair. That is why your engine can only be renovated. The average time of the overhaul is from 3 to 6 weeks, according to the amount of orders.

CAUTION: When the engine is found to be in a condition that does not allow for high quality renovation, you will be notified of the fact before we start the final stage of renovation. In case you want us to proceed with the renovation in spite of those problems, the engine will be assembled but without warranty on the renovation. In case you decide not to proceed with the renovation, you will be charged for dismantling and cleaning operations on the engine and components.

Renovation of engines includes:
*complete dismantling, cleaning and inspection of all components,
*final assembly, eventual polishing / varnishing, components: new crankshaft, cylinder re-boring, new pistons, clutch and its components, gearbox, bearings, spring sealing rings and so on.

Renovation of wheels
Only wheels 353/354 (large hub) are available by way of exchange. I would like to stress one important fact: each wheel hub includes a counterpart of the rear chain-wheel, and because the counterpart is always more or less worn, the points of your chain-wheel might not match perfectly with this counterpart. So it always makes for the best fit if you have your own wheel renovated. You always get your wheels back.


Renovation of cylinders
Cylinders for 125, 175 and 250 cubic cm are available by way of exchange but cylinders for 350ccm engines are re-bored with your own parts only.

Reason: a lot of customers bring cylinders with cracked or broken fins, and some people do not bring identical cylinders – for example one cylinder is 360 type and the other is 354, or one cylinder has 2 re-borings but the other one has 5 grindings, and so on. So we take and fix only your own cylinders and we are sure such an arrangement is convenient for both parties.
Delivery term: 4 days; but in case of sand-blasting and varnishing: 4-7 days.
Piston for a 350ccm cylinder has 16"mm Bolzen

Only when you bring in both 350ccm cylinders in good shape can you have re-bored cylinders by way of exchange on the spot. But it is really possible only after my inspection of your presented cylinders.

Renovation of crank-shafts (all parts of crank-shafts are made in the Czech Rep.)
The renovation of crank-shafts can be carried out in two ways:

1) common renovation -
crank-shaft is dismantled completely. For the assembly, there are always new connecting rods with new lower and upper bearings; only the side pins/swing-wheels are renovated. After assembling the crank-shaft in a professional way, the assembly is centered.   That type of renovation with renovated pins (if possible to renovate) makes the price of the crank-shaft EURO 138.   In case the side pins are in bad shape (not allowing for renovation), these pins must be exchanged for 
new ones and the extra charge for each pin is only EURO 15. Such a price is really a bargain.

2) Renovation as assembly of a new crank-shaft.

This is carried out in an identical way, except the old side pins are not considered for renovation
but exchanged for new ones right away. As a matter of fact, the result we get is a new crank-shaft, not a renovated one.

You can track the differences of both in the section “engine” - offer of spare parts.
As for me, I always prefer the second way of renovation with new side pins, in case you need the crank-shaft on the spot by way of exchange. This eliminates the possibility of any later arguments about the condition of the crank-shaft and feasibility of its renovation.

In case you give us a crank-shaft with pins beyond repair, you will be given a new crank-shaft on the spot and we will charge EURO 15 for each pin


There are times when I am not available on the phone because I am busy or my cell-phone is switched off. These are the moments when I am not able to answer your call (I am in an area that is out of reach, I may have negotiations at various offices, I may be busy on another phone or helping another customer, or I might also be abroad – out of the Czech Republic). In such cases please try to call again later. Thanks for your understanding